No Matches
Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- r -
- randomize253State() : dmtxstatic.h, dmtxencodeascii.c
- randomize255State() : dmtxstatic.h, dmtxencodebase256.c
- readModuleColor() : dmtxregion.c, dmtxstatic.h
- rightAngleTrueness() : dmtxregion.c, dmtxstatic.h
- rsComputeSyndromes() : dmtxreedsol.c, dmtxstatic.h
- rsDecode() : dmtxreedsol.c, dmtxstatic.h
- rsEncode() : dmtxreedsol.c, dmtxstatic.h
- rsFindErrorLocations() : dmtxreedsol.c, dmtxstatic.h
- rsFindErrorLocatorPoly() : dmtxreedsol.c, dmtxstatic.h
- rsGenPoly() : dmtxreedsol.c, dmtxstatic.h
- rsRepairErrors() : dmtxreedsol.c, dmtxstatic.h